Sunday 1 April 2012

Monday Moons!

In going through my Dangling Participle file to find hunks for this past weekend, I ran across this one. Now, I know the danglers aren't terribly evident, and he's a bit more muscular than many of us like, (I don't quite get the garter belt, either) but OMG, that is one amazingly hot set of buns! 

Getting ready for the RT Booklover's Convention in Chicago next week. I've printed stickers for ebook sales of Purple Bikini and the 8x10 glossies of the Stud and Purple Bikini covers for the book signings. It's amazing the things you have to be able to do to sell books these days.

I'm not doing much in the way of dressing up for this one. I got really carried away with the costume thing when I went to RT two years ago. This year there's a Flapper Party, for which I do have a dress and a headband thingy, and the Sourcebooks gang are all bringing Mardi Gras masks just for fun.

I'm sure I'll forget some vitally important item, but who cares? We'll have a blast anyway!


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