Wednesday 4 April 2012

Thursday Thoughts

I just love realizing that it's 11:24 PM and I don't have a blog posted for the next day. What's really strange is that I supposedly have more time to blog now. Before, I'd do a whole week's worth of posts at once, making sure I had something going up even on the nights I worked. Nowadays, I feel like I've got all the time in the world to post something new and fresh every day. NOT!

I get sidetracked too easily. For example, this evening, I was cleaning off the kitchen table, and during that time, I planted some orange seeds my SIL had given us from her ornamental orange tree, along with a bag of caladiums I'd bought a week or so ago. After dropping one of those tiny little oranges on the floor, it promptly rolled under the refrigerator, so I had to get down on my belly and retrieve it. After the third attempt to scoop it out from under there lest it become a breeding ground for fruit flies, I dug out the seeds and planted them.

Then my DH figured out how to watch last night's "The Voice" via the internet, and I watched the first bit of it while cleaning the table the rest of the way and making a pitcher of iced tea. Small wonder I never feel like I have the time to sit and enjoy doing anything fun or entertaining.

I've felt the need to get back into the Now, as Eckhart Tolle urges us, and I'm having some success, but have I achieved enlightenment? Nope. Still as unenlightened as ever, but I keep trying.

Here's a little something to focus on while attempting to eliminate the multitude of thoughts crowding your mind and making you feel stressed. Then again, gazing at this photograph might cause you to wonder which one came first.

I'm guessing the one on the right.:)) laughing


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