Monday 26 March 2012

Tasty Tuesday Bahama Mama!

Hey gang! Spring has been with us a week, so I guess it's time to start thinking about summer and hanging out (HA!) at the pool. Donna is pretty sure this is the same guy as last week's Whopper. Still think it's fake? She sent me this recipe for you doubters, which is guaranteed to make you feel more, um, trusting....

Here's a  tasty Poolside drink recipe to go along with the Poolside hunk!

Bahama Mama

0.5 oz Rum
0.5 oz Malibu rum
1 oz Pineapple Juice
1 oz Orange Juice
0.5 oz Grenadine
Method: Prepare in a blender
Glass: Tulip
  1. Blend the coconut-flavored rum and the regular rum, the grenadine syrup and the juices, along with about a cup of ice cubes in a blender until slushy.
  2. Pour into a tulip glass and enjoy with your pool man!


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